
Starred by 25+ users, GitHub Repo: LeetCode Pattern 500 offers:

  • 500 solutions for LeetCode problems in Python and Java
  • 17 notes on essential concepts related to data structures and algorithms
  • 130 patterns for solving LeetCode problems



  • backtracking like dfs on a tree
  • if a problem need try and error (make decisions) to enum every res, then use backtracking
    • making decisions
      • each round we got multi choices (must pick one)
      • each round we choose sth or not choose
    • notice elements are duplicate or unique
      • if so, we need to take care of pruning
    • notice elements can be chosen repeatedly or not
      • if not, we need to maintain a memo
    • notice that inside backtracking, we can use the boolean value as a return value to indicate whether there is a valid answer or not

def backtrack(res, path, count, visited, index/node):
        if GOAL_REACHED:

    for CHOCIE in CHOICES:
        if CHOICE is VALID:
            backtrack(res, path, count, visited, index/node)


  • subset
    • a subset is composed of none or some or all elements from a set
  • permutation
    • a permutation is an ordered selection of a certain number of elements from a set
  • combination
    • a combination is an unordered selection of a certain number of elements from a set
  • backtracking with constraints
    • make choices and backtrack based on certain constraints or conditions