
Starred by 25+ users, GitHub Repo: LeetCode Pattern 500 offers:

  • 500 solutions for LeetCode problems in Python and Java
  • 17 notes on essential concepts related to data structures and algorithms
  • 130 patterns for solving LeetCode problems



  • A graph is most commonly stored as a hashmap/list of adjacency lists/sets: for each vertex, store a list/set of its neighbors
    • how to build graph is important
    • often use
      • elements inside set can be tuples
      graph = defaultdict(set)
    • notice: tree is a special graph with properties that
      • connected
      • acyclic
      • non-direction edges
      • one path between any two vertices/nodes

graph dfs pattern

  • DFS
    • time O(|V| + |E|)
    • space O(|V|) for visited hashset, and recursion stack (not counting building graph)
    • DFS is better at
      • searching for long paths
      • memorizing res for long paths
      • detecting cycles
    # dfs
    graph = defaultdict(set)
    for p, q in edges:
    visited = set()
    def dfs(node):
        print('V:', node)
        for neighbor in graph[node]:
            if neighbor not in visited:

graph bfs pattern

  • BFS
    • time O(|V| + |E|)
    • space O(|V|) for visited hashset, and queue (not counting building graph)
    • tips
      • shortest distance of a to b is equal to the distance of b to a
      • we can use hashmap or nested list or variable to help us to record some res
      • queue
        • start with single source or multi sources
        • can put tuple as element to include more info
        • can implement bfs queue by hashset sometimes
          • eg. when perform bfs on string (modifying char) might generate duplicate new string
        • can implement bfs queue by heap sometimes
      • visited
        • use hashset
      • sometimes can use topological sort’s idea
    • BFS is better at
      • finding the shortest distance between two vertices
      • searching in graph of unknown size
      • creating a topological sort of a DAG (kahn algorithm)
    # bfs
    graph = defaultdict(set)
    for p, q in edges:
    visited = set()
    queue = deque([start])
    while queue:
        node = queue.popleft()
        print('V:', node)
        for neighbor in graph[node]:
            if neighbor not in visited:
    • patterns
      • bfs with single source
      • bfs with multiple sources
      • bfs with hashset as queue

graph union find pattern

  • Union Find
    • can use when problems involve Union, Find, or Transitive Relation
    • operations
      • init
      • find
      • union
      • is_connected
      • get_count
      • get_component_weight
      • special ops
        • give each component weight to represent the relation between itself to it’s parent
class UnionFind:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.parent = [i for i in range(n)]
        self.rank = [0 for _ in range(n)]
        self.weight = [1 for _ in range(n)]
        self.count = n
    # path compression
    def find(self, p):
        while p != self.parent[p]:
            self.parent[p] = self.parent[self.parent[p]]
            p = self.parent[p]
        return p
    def find(self, p):
        if p != self.parent[p]:
            self.parent[p] = self.find(self.parent[p])
        return self.parent[p]

    # union by rank
    def union(self, p, q):
        root_p = self.find(p)
        root_q = self.find(q)
        if root_p == root_q:
        if self.rank[root_p] > self.rank[root_q]:
            self.parent[root_q] = root_p
            self.weight[root_p] += self.weight[root_q]
            self.weight[root_q] = 0
        elif self.rank[root_p] < self.rank[root_q]:
            self.parent[root_p] = root_q
            self.weight[root_q] += self.weight[root_p]
            self.weight[root_p] = 0
            self.parent[root_p] = root_q
            self.rank[root_q] += 1
            self.weight[root_q] += self.weight[root_p]
            self.weight[root_p] = 0
        self.count -= 1
    def is_connected(self, p, q):
        return self.find(p) == self.find(q)

    def get_count(self):
        return self.count

    def get_component_weight(self, p):
        return self.weight[self.find(p)]

# time near O(1) for find/union if path compression and union by rank
# space O(V), due to building uf
# using graph and union find
the logic of path compression is keep checking the cur node equal to its parent or not
if yes, found the right parent, else change its parent to orginal parent's parent
and let this new parent become the cur node
then keep checking
(every round, will let cur node become at same layer with its original parent)

graph kahn pattern

  • Kahn
    • Topological sort
    • Directed Acyclic Graph is a linear ordering of its vertices such that for every directed edge pq from vertex p to vertex qp comes before q in the ordering
    • Kahn’s Algorithm (like bfs)
      1. building graph if need
      2. count every node’s in-degree
      3. put node whose in-degree is 0 inside queue
      4. pop out node and add to res list, and minus its neighbor node’s in-degree by 1
      5. if neighbor node’s in-degree is 0 put inside queue
      6. check length of res list equal to number of nodes or not (which is detecting acyclic or not)
      7. res list is a DAG when valid
    • when to use
      • determining the order in which elements should be placed to adhere to dependency constraints
  • time O(|V| + |E|)
  • space O(|V| + |E|), if building graph
from collections import deque
def getDAG(n, edges):
    graph = [[] for _ in range(n)]
    indegrees = [0 for _ in range(n)]
    for p, q in edges:
        indegrees[q] += 1

    queue = deque([])
    for i, indegree in enumerate(indegrees):
        if indegree == 0:
    res = []
    while queue:
        node = queue.popleft()
        for neighbor in graph[node]:
            indegrees[neighbor] -= 1
            if indegrees[neighbor] == 0:
    return res if len(res) == n else []

# time O(V+E)
# space O(V+E), due to building graph
# using graph and kahn and topological sort

graph dijkstra pattern

  • Dijkstra
# dijkstra
# single source shortest path algorithm (only handle positive weight edge)
# can get shortest path from one node to all other nodes
# based on bfs and greedy

from heapq import *
from collections import defaultdict
def dijkstra(edges, V, src):
    graph = defaultdict(list)
    for u, v, w in edges:
        graph[u].append((v, w))

    node_dist = defaultdict(int)
    for i in range(V):
        node_dist[i] = float('inf')
    node_dist[src] = 0

    heap = [(0, src)]

    visited = set()

    while heap:
        prev, node = heappop(heap)
        if node in visited:
        for next_node, weight in graph[node]:
            d = prev + weight
            if d < node_dist[next_node]:
                heappush(heap, (d, next_node))
                node_dist[next_node] = d
    return node_dist

# time O(V + E + ElogE), ElogE -> Elog(V**2) -> ElogV
# space O(V+E)
# using graph and dijkstra
1. init graph
2. init node_dist dict/array (and set val for start node)
3. init heap with start node
4. init visited set
5. keep heappop the most promising edge/node
6. if already visited just skip, else set as visited
7. relax each edge with this node

graph bellman ford pattern

  • Bellman-Ford
# bellman ford
# single source shortest path algorithm (can handle negative weight edge)
# can get shortest path from one node to all other nodes
# can use it to solve shortest path problem with limited moves (O(VE) will become O(kE))
# can detect negative cycle
# based on dp
if there is no negative cycle, 
P node to Q node's shortest path is at most V nodes and V - 1 edges, 
otherwise means this path pass same node twice (there is a negative cycle)

def bellman_ford(src, dst, edges, V):
    node_dist = [float("inf") for _ in range(V)]
    node_dist[src] = 0

    for _ in range(V - 1):
        for u, v, w in edges:
            if node_dist[u] != float("inf") and node_dist[u] + w < node_dist[v]:
                node_dist[v] = node_dist[u] + w

    for u, v, w in edges:
        if node_dist[u] != float("inf") and node_dist[u] + w < node_dist[v]:
            print("contains negative cycle")

    return node_dist[dst] if node_dist[dst] != float('inf') else - 1

# time O(VE)
# space O(V)
# using graph and bellman ford
1. build graph
2. init node_dist dict/array (and set val for start node)
3. relax/update all edges in every iteration
   - will have V - 1 times iteration, 
   if we want only have k iter then we need temp_node_dist for each iter,
   to guarantee the result come from last iteration and record cur iteration only
   - the logic of relax is that if you can go to u node, 
   and have a better distance to v node by using u-v edge, 
   then upddate distance for v node
4. if still have any edge can relax, then there must be a negative cycle

graph floyd warshall pattern

  • Floyd-Warshall
# floyd warshall
# shortest path algorithm (can handle negative weight edge)
# can get all shortest path between all pairs of nodes
# can detect negative cycle
# based on dp
# idea: go through all possible intermediate node

def floyd_warshall(edges, V):
  dist = [[float('inf') for _ in range(V)] for _ in range(V)]

  for start, end, weight in edges:
    dist[start][end] = weight
  for i in range(V):
      dist[i][i] = 0
  for mid in range(V):
      for start in range(V):
          for end in range(V):
              if dist[start][mid] + dist[mid][end] < dist[start][end]:
                  dist[start][end] = dist[start][mid] + dist[mid][end]
  return dist

# time O(V**3)
# space O(V**2)
# using graph and floyd warshall
1. init distance dp table (set val for each edge and each node itself)
2. thrice for loop (mid point, start node, end node) and relax
   - the logic is we want to fill in a mid node to any two nodes
   - try to know this mid node can benefit for shortest path bewteen that two nodes or not
3. detect negative cycle: re-run step 2, if still get better res then exists a negative cycle

graph kruskal pattern

  • Kruskal
# kruskal
# can find minimum spanning tree
# based on union find and greedy
A minimum spanning tree (MST) is a subset of the edges of a connected, 
edge-weighted undirected graph that connects all the vertices together, 
without any cycles and with the minimum possible total edge weight

Kruskal's algorithm generates the Minimum Spanning Tree 
by always choosing the smallest weigthed edge in the graph 
and consistently growing the tree by one edge
def kruskal(n, edges):
    edges.sort(key = lambda x: x[2])
    uf = UnionFind(n)
    mst = []
    for u, v, w in edges:
        if not uf.is_connected(u, v):
            uf.union(u, v)
            mst.append((u, v, w))
    return mst if len(mst) == n - 1 else []

# time O(ElogE)
# space O(E + V)
# using graph and kruskal and union find
1. sort edges
2. init union find for all nodes
3. keep adding lowest-weighted edge to mst that connects two components withnot forming cycle by union
4. check mst's size (if size is n - 1 then the mst is valid)

graph tarjan pattern

  • Tarjan
    • can find SCC in directed graph
      • strongly connected
        • a directed graph is strongly connected if there is a path between all pairs of vertices
      • strongly connected component (SCC)
        • a SCC of a directed graph is the maximal strongly connected subgraph
      • low link value
        • low link value of a node is the smallest index of any node reachable from that node, including itself
    • can find critical edges in undirected graph
      • critical edges [p, q]
        • if low[q] > ids[p]
    • tarjan is based on dfs
# tarjan
from collections import defaultdict
class Graph:
    def __init__(self, vertices):
        self.V = vertices
        self.graph = defaultdict(list)
        self.time = 0
        self.scc = 0

    def addEdges(self, edges):
        for p, q in edges:

    def tarjan(self):
        ids = [- 1 for _ in range(self.V)]
        low = [- 1 for _ in range(self.V)]
        on_stack = [False for _ in range(self.V)]
        stack = []

        for i in range(self.V):
            if ids[i] == - 1:
                self.dfs(i, ids, low, on_stack, stack)
        print("low: ", low)
        return low

    def dfs(self, node, ids, low, on_stack, stack):
        ids[node] = self.time
        low[node] = self.time
        self.time += 1
        on_stack[node] = True

        for neighbor in self.graph[node]:
            if ids[neighbor] == - 1:
                self.dfs(neighbor, ids, low, on_stack, stack)
                low[node] = min(low[node], low[neighbor])

            elif on_stack[neighbor]:
                low[node] = min(low[node], ids[neighbor])

        if low[node] == ids[node]:
            component = []
            while stack:
                stack_node = stack.pop()
                on_stack[stack_node] = False
                if stack_node == node:
                    self.scc += 1
                    print("SCC: ", component)
g = Graph(8)
edges = [(1, 0),(1, 2),(2, 3),(3, 1),(1, 4),(4, 1),(3, 5),(4, 5),(4, 7),(5, 7),(5, 6),(6, 5)]
SCC:  [0]
SCC:  [7]
SCC:  [6, 5]
SCC:  [4, 3, 2, 1]
low:  [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 5]

0 ← 1 ⇆ 4 → 7
    ↓ ↖     ↑
    2 → 3 → 5
# time O(V + E)
# space O(V)
# using graph and tarjan
1. start DFS from every node that hasn't been visited
2. if the neighbor hasn't been visited, call dfs to visit the neighbor. update the low link val for cur node (to the minimum of its cur low link val and the low link val of the neighbor)
3. if the neighbor is in the stack, it's a back edge (means cycle exists). update the low link val for cur node (to the minimum of its cur low link val and the neighbor's id)
4. after visiting all neighbors, if the cur node's id is equal to its low link val, it's the root of an SCC

graph hierholzer pattern

  • Hierholzer
    • can find an Eulerian path or circuit in a connected graph
      • Eulerian path is a path that visits every edge of a graph exactly once
      • Eulerian circuit is an Eulerian path that starts and ends on the same node
    • is based on dfs
Eulerian CircuitEulerian Path
Undirected Grapheven degree for every vertexeven degree for every vertex. or odd degree for two vertices (will be start and end nodes) and rest is even degree
Directed Graphequal indegree and outdegree for every vertexequal indegree and outdegree for every vertex. or one vertex (out == in + 1) (start node) and one vertex(in == out + 1) (end node) and rest has equal (in == out)
# hierholzer
from collections import defaultdict
def hierholzer(n, edges):
    E = len(edges)
    graph = defaultdict(list)
    for u, v in edges:

    indegrees = [0 for _ in range(n)]
    outdegrees = [0 for _ in range(n)]
    for start in graph:
        for end in graph[start]:
            outdegrees[start] += 1
            indegrees[end] += 1

    start_nodes = 0
    end_nodes = 0
    for i in range(n):
        if abs(indegrees[i] - outdegrees[i]) > 1:
            return []
        elif indegrees[i] - outdegrees[i] == 1:
            end_nodes += 1
        elif outdegrees[i] - indegrees[i] == 1:
            start_nodes += 1

    if start_nodes == 0 and end_nodes == 0:
    elif start_nodes == 1 and end_nodes == 1:
        return []

    start = 0
    for i in range(n):
        if outdegrees[i] - indegrees[i] == 1:
            start = i
        if outdegrees[i] > 0:
            start = i

    stack = []
    def dfs(node):
        while outdegrees[node]:
            neighbor = graph[node].pop()
            outdegrees[node] -= 1


    path = []
    while stack:

    if len(path) == E + 1:
        return path
    return []
edges = [(0, 1),(1, 2),(2, 0),(1, 3),(3, 4),(4, 1),(2, 4),(4, 5),(5, 2)]
hierholzer(6, edges)
[5, 2, 4, 1, 2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 5]

 ↙ 0 ↖
1  →  2
↓ ↖ ↙ ↑
3 →4→ 5
# time O(V + E)
# space O(V + E)
# using graph and hierholzer
1. build graph, and count all nodes' in/out degree

2. check eulerian path exist or not

3. find start node, and perform modified dfs (which will delete edge when visiting)

    1. in dfs, if node has unvisited outgoing edge, call another dfs
    2. once node is stuck (no unvisited outgoing edge), add node to stack

4. start node is the first node pop out from stack

graph matrix pattern

  • Matrix
    • tips
      • hashset for recording visited or not
      • cur ptr moving direction
      • swap based on certain line across the matrix
      • additional sign variables for storing
      • use first row and first col to store sign
    • elements
      • row
      • col
      • diag
        • row - col
        • row == col (main diag)
      • anti_diag
        • row + col
        • row + col == row - 1 == col - 1 (main anti_diag)