
Starred by 25+ users, GitHub Repo: LeetCode Pattern 500 offers:

  • 500 solutions for LeetCode problems in Python and Java
  • 17 notes on essential concepts related to data structures and algorithms
  • 130 patterns for solving LeetCode problems



  • heap is a data structure (binary heap)

    • support insert in O(log(n))
      • insert as last element
      • swim up the last element
    • support delete_min or delete_max in O(log(n))
      • swap the top element with last element
      • pop last element (which is old top element)
      • sink down the (new) top element
    • heapify(nums) takes O(n) time
      • checking and performing sink down start from last element to top element
        • why sink down every element is not O(nlogn) time
          • because the higher layer, which node would cost more, actually have few nodes inside the layer
    • O(1) to get the min val in min heap, or max val in max heap
      • get the top element
  • min heap

    • look like a complete binary tree
      • can be implement by array (using the complete tree’s attribute)
        • ignore first idx 0, start from idx 1
        • if node’s idx == i
          • parent node idx == i // 2
          • left child idx == 2 * i
          • right child idx == 2 * i + 1
    • for any node, its key is less than or equal to its children’s key
    • there is no comparable relationship between children
    • the height of a heap is guaranteed to be O(log(n))
    • in python, max heap can be simulated by min heap with negative value
    • we can use tuple to push multiple information inside the heap in one element if we need
    • in python, if the element inside the heap needs complex comparison, we can use self defined class and implement the less than method
      • eg. sort the words in ascending order of frequency. If words have the same frequency, sort them alphabetically in reverse order
    class FreqWord:
        def __init__(self, f, w):
            self.f = f
            self.w = w
        def __lt__(self, other):
            if self.f == other.f:
                return self.w > other.w
            return self.f < other.f
    • we can use two heap to find median
      • maxheap_smallhalf
      • minheap_largehalf


greedily schedule tasks (start/end/val)

  • sort every task by their start time
  • use heap to quickly find the most recent finished task according to cur task
  • use pop out elements to keep recording the previous best result
    • the previous best result is according to cur task (also applicable for future tasks to use)
  • push the cur end time and cur result in heap for future tasks
    • when pushing also treat this cur result as a candidate of best result
    • we need to keep recording the all time best result

top k problem (based on heap)

  • heap approach
    • O(nlogk), use heap (size k) (better choice)
    • O(n + klogn), use heap (size n)
  • quick select approach
    • O(n) for average and O(n**2) for worst
  • bucket sort approach
    • O(n+b), bucket (size b)

k way merge problem

  • maintain heap (size k)
    • when init, often use heapify
    • stored elements must have multiple information inside themself (use tuple)
      • most import information is to record this element is from which way
  • each time pop out from heap
    • record if need
    • operate on this way’s element
    • push the new element (same way) in heap

two heap problem

  • normal two heap
    • one min heap, and one max heap
    • element must go into proper heap
    • make sure to maintain the relation between two heaps
  • lazy removal technique
    • use hashmap to record the freq of removed elements (not really removed yet)
    • maintain heap size variable to keep track of the real heap size (exclude the removed elements which recorded in hashmap)

storing and popping out elements

  • use heap to store elements (min or max group)
  • keep popping out the invalid or useful element (comparing to cur condition)
    • contains greedy algorithm’s idea

use bfs and heap

  • use bfs to find potential valid elements (use heap to replace the queue)
  • use hashset to record visited elements