• Java I/O is built around the concept of streams, which are sequences of data
  • Type
    • Byte Streams
      • InputStream and its subclasses
      • OutputStream and its subclasses
    • Character Streams
      • Reader and its subclasses
      • Writer and its subclasses
  • Buffered streams are more efficient as they reduce the number of I/O operations by using a buffer (eg. BufferedReader, BufferedWriter)
  • Serialization is the process of converting objects to byte streams and vice versa, allowing it to be saved to a file or transferred over a network (eg. ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream)
  • Java NIO
    • Buffers are containers for data that you want to read or write (eg. ByteBuffer)
    • Channels are used for data transfer between byte buffers and I/O entities (eg. FileChannel, ServerSocketChannel, DatagramChannel)
    • Selectors allow a single thread to monitor multiple channels for events (eg. Selector)